Google to open new €75m Dublin data center

It has been announced today that Google is making a new investment in Ireland, bringing a €75m data center to Dublin.

Google has acquired an 11-acre plot of land and an existing building in order to build the facility which will help run the company’s online services and provide 30 full-time and contractor jobs.

Big tech companies are often attracted to Ireland by favorable tax conditions, although the weather may have also been a factor in this latest move, with Ireland’s cool climate helping keep servers from running hot in an efficient way.

Google says that the center will rank amongst the most energy-efficient data centres in the world, using advanced air-cooling technology currently being used in Google’s current rented data center in Dublin. This technology will take advantage of Ireland’s cool climate, using outside air to cool computers instead of far more expensive and less efficient air-conditioning units.

The facility is in addition to Google’s existing 2000 staff in Ireland. Facebook is another consumer Internet tech giant with a major presence there, while Twitter has also recently announced plans for an office in Dublin.

written by Martin Bryant


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